HRI: United Nations Arts Initiative
Operational Medicine
Medical and Veterinary Self Care

Sponsored by Humanitarian Resource Institute, Pathobiologics
and the United Nations Arts Initiative


Stephen M. Apatow
Founder, Director of Research & Development
Humanitarian Resource Institute (UN:NGO:DESA)
Humanitarian University Consortium Graduate Studies
Center for Medicine, Veterinary Medicine & Law
Phone: 203-668-0282
Email: s.m.apatow@humanitarian.net
Internet: www.humanitarian.net

Url: www.H-II.org

Pathobiologics International
Internet: www.pathobiologics.org

In the Spotlight
The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, known by the scientific community as the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, was an undersea earthquake that occurred at 00:58:53 UTC (07:58:53 local time) on December 26, 2004. According to Wikipedia, the tsunami generated by the earthquake killed approximately 275,000 people, making it one of the deadliest disasters in modern history.

During a 2005 Medical Corps training program at Ohio State University Extension, a video presentation focused on three young people from the United States who were working at orphanages in Indonesia, when the tsunami hit. With no medical experience or training, they gathered medical supplies, obtained permission to enter the impacted region and found themselves in charge of hospital clinics with the full range of medical challenges. - When there is No Doctor: The next level for standard first aid.

Operational Medicine (www.operationalmedicine.org)

Operational Medicine is the healthcare provided in unconventional settings where important resources may be significantly restricted. These resources could include limited supplies, expertise, time, location, or climate extremes.
  • Textbooks and Manuals: Classic textbooks of operational medicine and manuals produced by the U.S. military and other authoritative sources.
  • Videos: Training for hands-on providers of care in isolated settings.
  • Lectures: PowerPoint®, illustrating important OPMED issues.
  • Distance Learning: Web training in operational medical and nursing subjects.
  • Training: Get the training you need.
  • Operational Safety: Protect yourself and your patients in operational settings.
  • PDF Reader: Free download of the software from Adobe®
  • PowerPoint® Viewer: Free Download of the software from Microsoft®
  • Search: Use keywords to quickly find the information you need.
Brookside Associates: Medical Education Division develops, produces and distributes medical education materials for use by physicians, nurses, other medical personnel and students preparing for these professions.

Medicine (Medical Self Care)
Perhaps the most widely used health care manual in developing countries today, provides vital, easily understood information on how to diagnose, treat, and prevent common diseases. Considered useful both as a text book for village health care and as a travel medicine guide.

* In appreciation to HealthWrights and the Hesperian Foundation.
Combat/Field Medicine: From the field
Veterinary Medicine (Veterinary Self Care)


Global access to free and low cost educational materials:

Global-Help.org: Providing free text books and health care information to developing countries, helping to make medical knowledge accessible worldwide.

Distance Education: HRI University Consortium



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